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Benefits to outsourcing corporate video production

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Outsourcing video production can save time and money while receiving a superior solution

Outsourcing of business operations continues to grow in popularity, taking responsibility for a number of functions. There are many reasons why it is gaining steam and one area that hasn’t received much attention – but which can benefit greatly – is corporate video production.

Outsourcing video production allows the business to avoid the large initial capital outlay. There is a lot that goes into video production and the upfront costs can be staggering. Outsourcing saves a considerable amount of money, and stress.

If a business purchases the equipment, it becomes a dead asset when it isn’t being used. Outsourcing prevents paying for downtime and allows the company to only pay for the equipment when they’re ready for a job.

Outsourcing video production allows a business to have access to a larger team of professionals. The outsourced company will have a huge network of resources and highly-skilled professionals to make sure the job is done right the first time.

An outsourced solution can provide access to a better production facility and better equipment. Outsourced video production companies must keep up with the latest technology to remain competitive. This works to the company’s benefit, ensuring that the video solution is created with the best equipment under the best circumstances.

Additionally, the outsourced company has access to a larger variety of shots that an in-house team could never obtain. This will enable a business to present a more developed picture of what it wants to offer, leading to increased sales and a better company branding effort.

EG Services Global enhances eCommerce solutions

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EG Services Global is a main worldwide supplier of Commerce-as-a-Service solutions. It has now extended its professional services, integrating a deeper level vital consulting for complex custom eCommerce solutions and other solutions with third-party partner solutions. The team at EG Services provides an array of business and technical support, as well as strategy, solutions to eCommerce merchants so they can improve the shopper’s experience.

EG Services’ worldwide group of expert specialists work as strategic freelancers to eCommerce retailers, organization likewise suggests and regulates integrations with outside partners from EG Services’ circle of key alliances. The team is able to succeed through its long history and extensive experience in eCommerce and eMarketing, and is able to help companies reduce operational expenses while lowering time-to-market. In many cases, EG Services is able to deliver standard eCommerce solutions in under six weeks.

Organizations are under increasing strain to expand globally and to generate revenue faster. EG Services helps to make this happen, utilizing its extensive experience navigating the eCommerce channels, which are vital for rapid international growth.

As part of the company’s continued efforts to maintain itself as a world leader, EG Services recently introduced enhanced payment management services that will allow the company to leverage its eCommerce technology and expertise to offer a wide range of cloud-based software-enabled solutions for mid-sized and large companies. The new service provides mobile optimization for merchants, as well as consolidated payment acceptance, recurring payment capabilities and enhanced analytics.

The new offerings will allow the company to provide unique opportunities to new businesses and allow those to enjoy unparalleled global growth.

Worldwide eCommerce sales topped $33 trillion two years ago. Of this, around 7% was business-to-consumer, providing over $205 billion in revenue. This trend is forecast to continue for at least the next decade and, in some countries, eCommerce exports have grown by as much as 120%.

The Secretary-General of the World Customs Organization, Kunio Mikuriya, said last year, “The rapid pace at which e-commerce is developing and disrupting existing models makes it all the more necessary that stakeholders at the national and international levels form robust partnerships to elaborate common rules and best practices.”

Finding the best alternative to help with a global eCommerce solution requires finding a successful company with a proven track record of working with key businesses. EG Services has the background and the expertise to drive any eCommerce solution and its global base of experts are always on hand to deliver the perfect solution.

B2B telecommunications market continues upward trend

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The trend is expected to continue for the next eight years

The Business-to-Business (B2B) telecommunications market is beginning to pick up on a global scale. Across a number of industry verticals, businesses are adopting IT-as-a-service models in order to improve and enhance their operations. This has led to an incredible demand for B2B telecommunications solutions and the trend is expected to continue to increase for at least the next eight years.

B2B telecommunications recorded revenue of over $33 billion in 2017. By the close of 2026, the market is expected to reach more than $107.47, which would reflect a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 13.6%. Over a quarter of the global B2B revenue in telecommunications will be seen in areas such as financial services, banking and insurance, which is expected to reach over $27 billion. Other areas expected to benefit will be administrative entities, healthcare organizations, medical research institutes and the media and entertainment industries.

Companies that seek out B2B telecommunications service have a number of options readily available to them, all with catered solutions to suit the entities’ needs. Cloud-based B2B solutions now account for more than half of the options and there is a trend toward the adoption of unified communication solutions. By 2026, almost $25 billion in revenue is expected to be made from the sales of unified B2B telecom services and there is going to be extensive growth in the need for M2M, WAN and VOIP solutions.

E-Commerce leader EG Services Global provides award-winning marketing solutions

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The minds behind EG Services Global (EGSG) realized that there was a need to offer a professional, dedicated eCommerce solution for businesses that would be flexible enough to span a number of industries. They set out to deliver a platform that would deliver a range of products that could be elaborately incorporated into any marketing plan and have helped numerous companies achieve success by offering expert products and consultations.

The staff at EGSG come from professional marketing backgrounds in an array of sectors. Their extensive experience and creative acumen give them the ability to create award-winning promotions, as well as a range of ready-to-use material for businesses that prefer to develop their own market programs.

When it comes to promoting a business, competition is fierce and it’s important to have a model that will win over consumers and give the eCommerce entities an edge over everyone else. Budget is always a concern and EGSG is able to offer wholesale pricing for its products by carefully managing its resources and efficiently providing its solutions. Content is readily available for as low as $10.

Custom content such as HD video, email and design templates, vectors, logos and more are all possible right from the EGSG website. They can also make recommendations on what can be done to enhance a site in order to make it more attractive and increase traffic. EGSG understands that information is valuable and guarantees privacy and security with all their clients.

EGSG allows you to focus on your business while leaving the marketing in the hands of experts. Not only can it manage an eCommerce enterprise’s marketing, but it offers a full payment solution that makes payment transactions fast and easy. This is why the company has been chosen by a number of online retailers to oversee their eCommerce programs.

Visit EG Services Global today and learn everything the company has to offer. The experts are always ready to answer your questions and help you find success and can get you up and running in no time.

Aliquam nisi nulla sollicitudin

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Maecenas sit amet purus in lacus sodales fringilla ut vel lectus. Proin sagittis nulla eu quam euismod convallis. In turpis lorem, pharetra sit amet mi ut, imperdiet rutrum odio. Quisque ac enim eu ligula suscipit lobortis. Mauris pulvinar fringilla massa at laoreet. Nunc facilisis ligula odio, ac imperdiet nibh scelerisque et. Cras tempor dictum sagittis. Donec eu volutpat est.

Duis sapien ligula, ornare nec nulla non, porta egestas quam. Aliquam nisi nulla, sollicitudin quis enim posuere, tincidunt auctor mauris. Duis iaculis consequat suscipit. Etiam fringilla nulla aliquam diam condimentum, in tincidunt tortor rhoncus. Donec ultricies, tellus sed dignissim aliquam, libero quam hendrerit ante, sed elementum ligula metus et urna. Praesent eget sapien ante. Donec est risus, lacinia non dignissim ac, dapibus quis arcu.

Nunc mauris risus, tempor et arcu id, tristique convallis libero. Mauris interdum ut lectus laoreet pulvinar. Nulla facilisi. Ut eu porta eros, quis cursus ipsum. Fusce at posuere augue. Mauris laoreet sed massa nec faucibus. Nam varius quam vitae nunc scelerisque, id lobortis purus ullamcorper.

Fusce egestas porttitor libero ornare pharetra. Donec gravida id massa vitae luctus. Nam eu mi velit. Suspendisse sit amet tincidunt sem, eu luctus augue. Nulla adipiscing eleifend lacus vitae dictum. Aliquam quis varius magna. Morbi nibh metus, tincidunt sit amet dolor in, ultrices sollicitudin felis.

Donec id purus vulputate vulputate

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Suspendisse eu iaculis nisi. Donec id purus vulputate, vulputate augue eu, mattis justo. Fusce facilisis enim sed libero sollicitudin, sit amet ullamcorper risus cursus. Vestibulum et ligula ante. Nam odio lorem, vestibulum ac magna eu, dapibus interdum nibh. Nam cursus tristique libero et suscipit. Fusce eget leo elit. Fusce tristique ultrices facilisis. Pellentesque pellentesque et urna in dignissim. Curabitur ac semper lectus. Integer vitae nisi at nunc condimentum imperdiet. Duis luctus tristique libero sed faucibus. Ut quis erat dignissim, cursus eros eu, euismod tellus.

Aenean sodales massa molestie metus tempus, ac mattis neque ornare. Quisque nec diam libero. Proin adipiscing placerat faucibus. Nunc et accumsan lacus. Integer sit amet pellentesque mi. Nulla ut elit velit. Donec nec vestibulum libero, eget commodo metus. Pellentesque euismod tortor sed interdum accumsan. Aliquam lacinia ante quis ipsum accumsan pellentesque. Curabitur consectetur arcu sit amet enim imperdiet rhoncus. Aenean cursus ultricies ultricies. Phasellus mollis diam non felis faucibus, eget tristique magna elementum. Nullam odio augue, fermentum vitae placerat quis, porta et ante. Aenean euismod vulputate mi, at pharetra felis rutrum nec. Donec non turpis sem.

Nunc elementum hendrerit venenatis. Aenean eros massa, vestibulum ac lectus eget, sollicitudin sollicitudin risus. Mauris consequat felis et justo placerat, nec congue erat pharetra. Integer eget ornare magna, sed iaculis risus. Ut sodales, neque at vestibulum ornare, purus arcu laoreet nisl, eu vulputate augue felis at sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque ullamcorper rhoncus leo quis laoreet. Mauris viverra dapibus dignissim. Quisque nibh lacus, facilisis vitae auctor at, adipiscing et ipsum. Cras sit amet erat lobortis tellus luctus sodales. Aenean sodales augue nibh, vitae porta nulla bibendum egestas. Curabitur urna purus, dignissim sed sagittis in, aliquet at erat. Duis vitae nisl et neque interdum tempor.

Maecenas et nibh vitae augue eleifend placerat aliquam et mauris. Praesent ut cursus tortor. Donec vel iaculis nisi. Sed quis lectus id ligula ullamcorper ornare. Proin id mauris elit. Nullam consectetur bibendum neque eget convallis. Nunc nec libero id orci blandit hendrerit. Curabitur dictum tristique metus ac dapibus. Quisque sagittis ullamcorper urna, at ullamcorper mi rutrum non. Aenean vitae sapien ut diam pharetra tempor id sit amet nisl. Sed ac luctus nulla, ut gravida nulla.

Maecenas porta mollis commodo

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Cras pretium pharetra aliquet. Maecenas vehicula turpis sed felis mollis feugiat. Nunc tincidunt mollis felis, vitae sagittis sapien vestibulum placerat. Mauris eu suscipit diam, at ullamcorper libero. Suspendisse elementum, dui et tincidunt feugiat, sapien sem facilisis massa, et lobortis ligula sem eget tellus. Quisque eu odio ligula. Morbi magna justo, aliquam suscipit mi vel, venenatis mollis augue. Suspendisse at mi erat. Sed lectus leo, aliquam vitae viverra vitae, vehicula sed lectus. Nullam non nisi id erat rhoncus eleifend. Aliquam fringilla pellentesque lorem, id aliquet justo consequat in. Ut rutrum malesuada nisi, non sagittis quam tempus a. Donec sodales lorem quis diam placerat scelerisque. Nulla eu nulla quis velit mollis tincidunt. Quisque aliquet nulla quam.

Phasellus lacinia iaculis ante quis porttitor. Duis egestas sollicitudin scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ultrices tortor orci, ac vestibulum arcu lacinia vel. Maecenas nec augue volutpat, sollicitudin justo auctor, accumsan lorem. Morbi in ultricies magna, eget ullamcorper libero. Vivamus lectus mi, tempor at scelerisque suscipit, gravida id orci. Duis tincidunt laoreet egestas. Curabitur ultricies nec arcu sit amet hendrerit. Morbi a consectetur mi, in hendrerit odio. Nulla quis dapibus dolor. Suspendisse erat velit, pulvinar sit amet ligula in, vulputate faucibus tellus. Mauris vitae massa lorem. Praesent tempor lectus id ipsum consequat vehicula. Nam turpis purus, tincidunt ut aliquet venenatis, tincidunt bibendum nibh.